I don’t like honeymoon and pregnant sequences. Edward treated Bella as if she is made of glass. And after Bella was sick by her pregnancy, Edward pursued Bella to kill the baby. How could he? He didn’t want Bella of being hurt so he wanted the baby being out of her. For God’s sake. The baby is his child. A cruel, egoist vampire.
The funny thing is Jacob imprinted (finally) on Renesmee (whoa!). I thought his imprinting object was Leah. I’ve got totally wrong. He is going to be Bella’s son-in-law – in few years (Edward even called him “my son”). What a wonderful world!
Many vampires showed up. I like vampires with special abilities – Benjamin from Egyptian coven especially. He is so adorable with kiddo appearance and adult thinking. Bella’s finally known her ability, too. Shielding her and others’ mind. Kinda cool.
I have a feeling of disappointment here. There weren’t any fighting part. Just some little killing attacks with grinning and staring as additions. I have had imagined the Volturi would have been destroyed and the Romanians would have taken control.
From Alice’s and Jasper’s leaving, the tense is growing higher and higher. It glued me to keep on reading and I thought of enormous frontal war when all the vampires camped in the clearing. Unfortunately, Alice and Jasper came back with one big evidence that spoiled my big-spectacular-war imagination. The climax is too short and becoming the anticlimax in a hurry. Why they didn’t fight anyway? Ugh!
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