Dozens of cameras are set to tape every embarrassing moment as two teams compete for $3 million by executing a bold design concept using unorthodox materials (sex toys, anyone?). As if that wasn't bad enough, a hunky producer tries to seduce Allison with fine champagne and limo rides, while an equally hunky Dave wants to introduce her to the finer things in his life like beer and basketball games, and a piranhalike press hounds her day and night -- and let's not forget the vibrator wall art.
Will Allison ever get her life back? Will she finally find her prince after kissing so many frogs? Join Allison as she fights back against the lies, the double-dealing, and the backstabbing to prove that she's a survivor even a gooey round of pudding wrestling can't defeat.
Blue bloods really exists and they do businesses like us. Prince Nicolo Thierry Ferdinand Ignazio Alfonso Roberto Paolo Tadero Giovanni Boubon-Parma. Oh, God, the whole male names in the world are there! Handsome, rich, sexy and have power. But, he is a jerk. After he failed taming Allison, he uses his aristocracy pushing her to the deepest hole.
Firstly, Allison is a bitch but she is not. Sometimes she can be one, but it’s all because of her teenage life. Poor Allison. Hiding in Ms. Fashion-Perfect face. Thank God, Dave saves her. I confessed: I think Nicolo is Mr. Perfect for Allison because Dave rejects her. I can’t believe there is a man like him! (Ok, there must be a lot of man like him if authors wants to.) He rejects beautiful, smart, success,sexy red-haired woman for a reason: Dave loves Allison. Oh, how sweet!
The most interesting part is reality show. Of course it is the background. I can’t imagine there is reality show like this. MTV have this kind of show and designers do makeover someone’s place with their own style. But in this book Kamikaze Makeover! do that to someone’s place with things given by the producer/creative team. Such as empty soup cans and vibrators. Yeah, you don’t have eyes problems. Vibrators ! Ugh! I will not allow designers to put sex toys in my table and use them as lamp posts, even the best team do that and they give me a lot of money.
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