Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Tarothalia, a novel by Tria Barmawi

Eventhough she has been fired for three times and hasn’t found a suit job yet, Thalia never think of using her sixth sense to get money. But Bella’s persuasion and her terrible financial condition make her thinking it more. She says OK to Bella who is going to make her an executive psychic.

Out of plans, not only successful, that job changes Thalia to a new celebrity because most of her clients are actresses. The problem is, Thalia never want to become a celebrity.

Now, Thalia stucks in the middle of a pile of problems. Too arogant clients, strict working schedules, complicated love life and her own heart rejection…

Choosing is never easy, even to someone who has sixth sense.

It feels like I read my own story. Some of Thalia’s life have similarities with mine. But not the sixth sense one (I don’t have it and I don’t wanna have it). Thalia and I had wrong major in college and it’s bad to place us in marketing division. We don’t like to beg to customer to buy our products.

This book is not too funny like the previous one, Lost in Teleporter. But it’s still good. I like how Barmawi wrote Thalia’s changing from nobody to somebody. It’s very natural. Most people ever face that. I hope that happen to me, too.

Too bad Thalia broke up with Cassio. I think Cassio is her Mr. Right, but the writer wrote it other way. The playboy met the playgirl and Thalia was the third person. Ugh, that’s bad. And the twist (sorry), finally, Thalia is married with a guy that show up in the last chapter of the book. Poor husband.

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