Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Vampire according to… (2)

The Saga of Darren Shan (Darren Shan) – 2000-2003
- Have organization with princes as the leaders and have many generals
- Almost look like human (not always good looking)
- Sleep in coffin
- Cut the victim’s skin (not only human, but animals as well) and drink their blood they need to then seal the wound with their saliva. Still eat ordinary food
- Have marks in finger tips. They change human to vampire with flowing their blood into human’s and vice versa
- Afraid of sunlight, but not cross and garlic
- Live longer than human but still can be killed with knife, wood stake, guns or fell from high ground
- Have human-sized canines
- Strong and can move fast, have better senses
- Can’t change into bats although bats (and rats) like them
- Vampaneze is vampire’s enemy. Vampaneze is vampire’s counsin with purple skins, red eyes and love killing people for blood ... Continued

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