Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ramalan Fudus Ororpus, a novel by Julia Stevanny

A weird old lady came one afternoon and mess Deryn’s life up. “FUDUS OROROR!” she said with her trembling scary voice. Her eyes widened and her hands moves wildly. “Up. Down. Straight. Broken... Oh, your fate is very bad, Child! You’ve been born without love-partner line. You’re meant to be alone forever!”

Being foretold like that, Deryn is absolutely mad. Besides, Rosaline, her bookworm-sister said that Fudus Ororpus is the most precise fortune telling in the world. Bloody hell! And the next sequences happened in Deryn’s life is exactly like what that old lady said.

Then, is it truly happen? Is Deryn have to be alone for all her life...? Oh My God...

From the title, I thought the story was interesting. I thought of many magic and fortune telling, but “Ramalan (fortune telling)” is just the title and the cause of the problems, not the core. The story and the characters’ emotions are too shallow. I don’t catch the climax well and the ending is dissapointing. It’s not as I expected (the publishing house give her "Talented Writer 2005" title).

The story is good but it’s too typical. High school setting, two bestfriends have a crush on the same person, one of them have to sacrifice her love and finally, finds her true love. It’s booooring.

I told this easily because it’s not me who wrote it. If I wrote it, I also would felt difficulty to describe the situation, and climax especially. It happen to me, too. I don’t feel my own characters’ emotions and I can’t tell the climax well. The fact is I’m writing that story.

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