Sunday, May 31, 2009

Slim Chance, a novel by Jackie Rose

Evelyn Mays has her hopes pinned on being the perfect bride in a size eight Vera Wang wedding dress. After all, her boyfriend has just proposed in front of the whole office - so there's a certain image to live up to! She just has to transform herself from cuddly brunette to svelte blonde...but changing her appearance tempts her to change everything in her life - including her boyfriend! Is Evie discovering her true self, or playing a game of chance that will end in trouble?

I don’t like this book. I hate story focused on big-size-being-slim thing. I think this book gave me other thing than that. It dissapoint me: this is the same with another diet novel. What I only like is quotes taken from magazine’s articles (O, Vogue, Martha Stewart Wedding, Mademoiselle, Cosmopolitan) in every funny of good things Evie thoughts.

Fat, engaged, nervous because of her big size, going to gym, meeting with Jade, her sexy personal trainer and being friend with him (at the same time Bruce didn’t like her new look), having an affair the wedding being canceled. That’s the plots. I think it’s too boring.

Why fat girls always told like that (not because I’m fat; I just don’t like it)?

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