Thursday, January 15, 2009

One of Those Hideous Books where The Mother Dies, a novel by Sonya Sones

My name is Ruby
This book is about me.
It tells the deeply hideous story of what happens when my mother dies and I''m dragged three thousand miles away from my gorgeous boyfriend, Ray, to live in L.A. with my father, who I''ve never even met because he''s such a scumbag that he divorced my mom before I was born.
The only way I''ve ever even seen him is in the movies, since he''s this mega-famous actor who''s been way too busy trying to win Oscars to even visit me once in fifteen years.
Everyone loves my father.
Everyone but me.

What a very weird title. I was thinking a horror story with blood and murder when I first saw it at bookstore (my friends gave me this as birthday present – ha ha it’s so funny). But this is only an ordinary book for teens. Ms. Sones wrote from first point of view with poem style. No! Not in poetic language. Just ordinary story written in poem form – one chapter as one poem. There are also emails between the characters: Ruby to Lizzie, Ray and vice versa, and to her dead Mom!
It’s interesting but boring. It’s like we only read small part of the story because there are poems, not novel. I feel unsatisfied. In few hours, the book is finished. But it deserved to be bought and be read. It’s worth it (because of the writing style).


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