Monday, January 05, 2009

Top Ten Most Unbearable Books 2008

I reviewed all books I read (last three months). There are good, average and fascinating books. Many are influential books and made us thinking and reflecting on what we’ve done, even if it was in a small sequence of the very fictional story. I ranked books I’ve read this year and these are my ten most desirable books of 2008.

Here are the list:
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, written by J.K. Rowling
2. Twilight, written by Stephenie Meyer
3. Eclipse, written by Stephenie Meyer
4. P.S. I Love, You written by Cecelia Ahern
5. Shopaholic and Baby, written by Sophie Kinsella
6. Behaving Badly, written by Isabel Wolff
7. Autumn in Paris, written by Ilana Tan
8. New Moon, written by Stephenie Meyer
9. Septimus Heap: Magyk, written by Angie Sage
10. Summer in Seoul, written by Ilana Tan

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