409 pages
Avian-human hybrid Max and her similarly genetically enhanced Flock are on the run from the evil scientists and their nasty minions, the wolf-human hybrids called Erasers. Including Ari. Yes, he was killed in the last book, but now he's back, with no real explanation, and meaner than ever (daddy issues), now that he and the other Erasers have had wings grafted on their backs. You'd think this would make them more dangerous, but it actually seems to have made them more clumsy.
Max and the Flock engage in plenty of fighting, chases, and escape plans while Ari and the evil scientists do their scheming. Apparently there's a plot to kill off half the people in the world, method unspecified, reasons rather vague. (You know, that's what evil scientists do.)
Meanwhile the Flock get taken in by an apparently nice woman ... until it turns out that she's evil too. And they get to go to a normal school for a while ... until it turns out that the school is evil too. And Iggy finds his parents ... until (wait for it) it turns out they're evil too. Well, not evil -- just bad. And so on.
I like unfunny jokes in this story. Like Max told Iggy that he was blind. Everyone knows he is blind. it’s funny that make my lips curled up and smile. But I hate Max and Fang. If they have a cursh on each other, why they didn’t say or show it? I hope they will end up together. Or that’s what I was thinking of, that Patterson made them as couple.I can’t get the book down. It’s exhilarating. It made me breathless when I read parts of the flock was chased by Erasers. Though I still don’t know what whitecoats’ intention to the flock. Saving the world? Max is important? What’s the meaning of that? I’m not Max and it’s all so confusing, indeed.
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